Monday, February 9, 2015

2015 Brotherhood

The Brotherhood offers the men of Temple Sinai the opportunity to build and strengthen friendships, support the operation and community of Temple to do mitzvot for the greater Burlington area.

Brotherhood has many events and activities planned for 2015. Some of the special events include: co-sponsoring the Temple Purim Party on Saturday March 7 at which there will be a Megillah reading, games for children, food and drink for all and live music by our own Rock Shabbat band; arranging a Kosher for Passover Wine Tasting; making repairs/doing maintenance at the annual Temple Work Day to be held in June; leading a Shabbat service with Oneg to follow; and other events that will develop as the year goes on. Brotherhood will also as usual arrange for High Holiday ushering and the construction/takedown of the Sukkah, and will reach out to other Temple groups including Membership, Sisterhood and Social Action to explore opportunities to co-sponsor activities.

Dues are $18 annually (suggested optional level is $25) and can be sent to or dropped off at the Temple office in the Brotherhood mailbox. We also have available "official" Brotherhood T-shirts and hoodies. Remember you do not have to be a Temple or Brotherhood member to participate in our activities. All are welcome! 

For more information about the Brotherhood email Steve Greenfield at or call him at 802-879-3132.